All interpretation relies on conveying information from a source language into a target language. There are multiple ways this is achieved. And the best method for interpretation will depend upon the needs of the speakers and listeners.


In this mode of interpretation, the interpreter listens to spoken content through headphones and speaks the translated words into a microphone. As soon as the interpreter understands the general meaning of the sentence, he or she begins the interpretation. So, the simultaneous interpretation can render to target-language listeners via their earphones.


To allow the interpreter to render the target language, consecutive interpreting relies on the speaker to stop speaking frequently, on average, every one to five minutes. The speaker’s pauses come at the end of a sentence or topic. Meanwhile, the interpreter listens and takes notes as the speaker moves forward through the communication.


A variation of simultaneous interpreting whispered interpretation, involves the interpreter addressing a small target-language audience by whispering a simultaneous interpretation. Moreover, this method generally uses only when a few audience members do not speak the source language.


Also called escort interpreting, liaison interpreting relies upon an interpreter who translates into and out of the source and target languages as a conversation takes place. This type of interpreting is typically used for small, informal situations such as meetings. However, an interpreter may shadow a client for several hours or all day long, throughout everyday activities.